Monday, February 12, 2007

The deadly-ness of procastination

Hello my dears,

haha I haven't realized that I haven't accepted to be part of this blog. So I was wondering how come I couldn't sign on and all that stuff (thanks for the email Shelby *smiles).

I'm not much of a blogger, but I thought that I should contribute to this wonderful journey of ours. Well, Reading Week is coming up and I hope that we could get along together. Though I know Western's Reading Week is a week after ours (Feb26~March2), is that right Shelby? If so, I guess we could still meet up sometime...what do you guys think?

There's nothing much with me. Pretty much same as everyone. Crazy midterms time now. I just had my first two midterms of 2nd semester last friday. That would be calculus back-to-back with macroeconomics. EWWWWW! Val dislikes macro with a passion. And val almost failed calc last year. As in...I applied to university with a 50% failing. haha...I don't know how that's going to turn out, but everything else is going to be just as tough. I have midterms from now on (every Friday) until mid-March. Then in April it's exams! So...I'll only have 2 weeks of break there. eek!

Well, look on the bright side. We're "almost" done our first year of university! 'cause midterms = almost end = summer soon = we finish before high school peoplr (sorry Noelle we have a longer summer).

In a way, I'm not looking forward to Reading Week. Being the workaholic that I am. I'm goign to be working, on top of that I have 4 accounting assignments due, 1 calc, 1 macro, 1 law. Oh this is going to be joyful. That's just assignments, and the studying...STUDYING! Who studies on reading week? =(

Refering back to the title. I'm supposed to be getting myself ahead of this week and starting some work for Reading Week, then there's less wor to do for Reading week, but I'm in the same spot as Jen, Facebook sucks your soul! And other such, such as checking my emails, sometimes I clean my room, laundry (ever so often, even when I don't have clothes to wash). This is sad. But I wanted to make a message:

If you're going to procastinate....make it a productive procastination.

For example, when I procastinate I do my laundry, clean my room, and post of Blog, like I am doing so, right now =] Sometimes, I go jogging, so instead of doing homework I's the only way I'll get myself to exercise "val, if you don't study you've got to go swimming and jogging".

Remember that ladies. And I will see you guys in a week.

<3 val

1 comment:

pi said...

Hellllloooo ^_^
Welcome also to our blog my dear!!

haha that's interesting what you said about procrastination =) I try to be productive while I procrastinate, although it doesn't always work out >_< they have the sudoku in the school newspaper that I love doing!!
Although sometimes it does work out! You just have to be careful at times, not to justify your procrastination with the fact that you're being productive - like I'll do laundry and cook and stuff, and be like.. "see? I needed to get stuff done!!" ;)

yeah, it seems that I do have a different week than you ladies! boooo not cool!! And do not worry about the courses it will be good, work hard, and lift it up to God ^_^ God bless and take care!