Monday, January 29, 2007

annnnd the lack of original title comes into play

well, my linear algebra class finished a tad early, by that i mean an hour early, so i'm spending this time to contribute to this blog and work on my electrical fundamentals homework....

blogger's a new adventure because i've never used it before, the only kind of blogging that i have done is on xanga...

and moving right along... well things at school have been really tough, i failed a course last semester.. (i still have to see the exam for this, but apparently i got 30% on th exam, or else there's no way i'd fail) and that was pretty bad, since i previously thought getting a low 80 was abysmal... but i guess i've just accepted it. but the good thing is, this prof is 5 gazillion more times more comprehensible and uses powerpoint to avoid the ugly writing problem. thus i intend to do a lot better in this course.. but the downside is i have to take dynamics in the summer.

things have been kind of a stuggle, i guess, i don't really know if i really like engineering, or if that's what God really wants me to do... with every test or exam i would wish i went to ocad. but at the same time, those exact thoughts about engineering might've presented themselves if i did go to ocad.

i really wanna just make it though though :(

hope you guys are doing well :) hopefully school's not stomping over you and i'm going to take a leaf out of katherine's blog and leave messages to everyone :)

michelle. oyvey, you really do need to come back more often! i wanna see eternal sunshine!

val. EEEEEEEEEEEEEE i miss you! me and yvo, maybe dee, and the tc bunch is going skating on friday, come back love!

katherine. har har har, facebook will be the death of me :( but i'm glad it's been a good route for communication

noelle. i'm glad exams are done :D work hard in the new semester! where are you planning to go for uni?

shelby. one more year and you're done :D that must be exciting, what are you planning to do after?

alriteyroo, i have five minutes to pack up my electrical fundamentals stuff and get to museum station!
have a blessed week guys :D

1 comment:

pi said...

Yiay for Jen making her foray into the blogging world!! ;)

school will not kill you! you can overcome! only God numbers your days - and in tough moments, walk closely with and rely on Him to sustain you, and God can use these times to build you up and shape your heart and character even more =)
"I can do all things through Him who strengthens me." - Philippians 4:13 (NASB)

I'm glad to hear that the profs are getting better, and as for re-taking the courese, although it's crummy - it gives you a chance to just focus on 1 course and not stress so much right?
I'll pray for you and God's direction and sustaining you ^_^

keep on hard after Him and God bless ^_^